20 Powerful Ways to be More Confident

Having self-confidence is about embracing who you are and loving yourself throughout your journey.

It takes a healthy practice of accepting your own self-worth. By learning how to love yourself, you learn how to overcome your insecurities in the process. Most of our insecurities are rooted from fear, which can create a paralyzing effect over your life- if you allow it.

By bringing your insecurtities into the light, you can transform your life and fill it with more self-love, joy and inner peace. You can be free.


  1. LET GO OF SELF-DOUBT. Believe in your own power. You are limitless, so do not allow yourself to play small in life.
  2. SILENCE YOUR INNER CRITIC. The voice in your head that speaks in negative thought is your ego. It reminds you of things that trigger you- to believe that you are less than you are or that you may be jaded if you make a wrong move. The ego is talking from the perspective of fear and is trying to “protect you from failure”. This is not your truth, it is an illusion. Connect with your higher-self that is centered in love and knows the path of your highest good.
  3. STOP COMPARING YOURSELF. You are enough. You are unqiue in your talents, personality and beauty. This is what makes you amazing. Embrace and love yourself for who you are.
  4. SMILE. Your smile lights up the world around you. Smiling elevates your mood and also raises your vibration.
  5. POSITIVE LANGUAGE. Creating a habit of using positive words will increase your positive outlook. Speaking uplifting affirmations over your life will help you build self-confidence and create healthy change.
  6. SHIFT YOUR PERSPECTIVE. Shift your negative thoughts into a positive outlook by riding the wave of change. Change is a part of life. Shift your thoughts from fear to love to experience life with inner peace.
  7. BE GRATEFUL. Practice gratitude for your life on a regular basis. Review and be thankful for the blessings that you have in your life. Embrace your challenges too. They bring gifts with them inspite of the circumstance you may be experiencing.
  8. TRUST IN YOUR ABILITIES. Trust in yourself. You are more than what you give yourself credit for. Tap into your presence and what makes you unique.
  9. EMBRACE YOUR IMPERFECTIONS. Your flaws, character, look and your personality. Be the beautiful person that you are and love yourself throughout your journey.
  10. LEARN SOMETHING NEW. Learn something that stretches your mind and your abilities. Never stop learning.
  11. LET GO OF THE PAST. It served you for a time in your life, let it go with love. Forgive yourself and others. Let your past be your teacher.
  12. HEALTHY LIFESTYLE. Take care of your mind, body and spirit. Nourish yourself so you can be your best-self.
  13. OVERCOME YOUR FEARS. Fear does not need to hold you from your happiness, your worth and your potential. Challenge these thoughts. Envision what your life would feel, look and become if you chose to be brave!
  14. ACCEPT COMPLIMENTS. Accept kindness. Accept something beautiful that someone recognizes in you. This is embracing that you are worthy of receiving love.
  15. RESPECT YOURSELF AND OTHERS. Treat yourself and others with the respect that you want to receive. Confidence is not about arogance, it is about maturity.
  16. BE OPEN MINDED. With maturity we become wiser and learn through our choices. Be open minded to growth, learning from others and discovering yourself.
  17. OPEN COMMUNICATION. Open communication allows you to build healthy relationships with others.
  18. LIVE MINDFULLY. Live in the present. What impact are you making? When you look back on your life, what legacy do you want to leave in this world?
  19. UNDERSTAND YOUR BODY LANGUAGE & TONE. How do you hold yourself? Convey yourself with self-respect and understand how your tone is being received by others.
  20. HAVE CLEAR GOALS. Know where you want to go, become and accomplish in life.

Live with confidence. You were created for a purpose and to live a life with freedom, peace and joy.

So, go on and rock on with your awesome self!

Embrace your journey. 💚

🌻 Tes

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