You know what? I was there before too…

Looking back now, I am so grateful for it! It snapped me out of being stuck, it opened my eyes to see what was no longer was serving me. I had outgrown old habits and thought patterns. It was my soul calling for transformation. This my friend, is all part of growth and expansion in our journey of life.

When I felt lost, it seemed like a dense fog was clouding my way of thinking. My energy was at rock bottom, I struggled to take care of myself and making decisions seemed like a constant struggle to find clarity….that was until I realized I would need to go inward to find my clarity. I was responsible for my own happiness. It was time for me to start shifting my perspective and follow my joy in order to discover who I really was and what purpose I was meant to serve in this life.

So what are you hoping to find within yourself? Your ambitions, dreams or purpose?

You may think that this amazing version of you is going to snap into action and say- YES!!! I HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS- LET’S ROCK THIS OUT NOW!!!

…It sounds awesome and you may think that a “complete 180 turn” can happen when you try to “flip the switch”. But the truth is, the person you want to become doesn’t happen overnight. You must CREATE the person you want to become over time.

You need to understand that YOU have the power to become the person you want to be. YOU create yourself and YOUR reality everyday by your habits, your mindset and your interests.

You write your own story in life. Each day adds a new page. You create the beginnings and endings of your chapters.

Your past experiences are your lessons for your future. Make peace with them and look at them thru the lens of love, compassion and appreciation. Your experiences mold you into the person you are today.

Our hardships help us find our strength and they give us the opportunity to look inward at our experience to become a better person.

It takes an open mind and an open heart to discover who you really are. You must accept that this is a part of your journey in life.

And if you are reading this right now…this means you didn’t come across this article by accident. Your soul is trying to get your attention. It is time for you to find your truth and to step in your authentic power.

To begin, you must let go of the idea of being lost. You are waking up. You are beginning to question who you are and why you are in your current state. This means that you are progressing on your path and you are beginning to realize there are some things in your life that are no longer serving you.

By letting go of control and what is no longer serving you, you give yourself permission to heal. Accept your emotions and how you feel. Understand that your emotions are not who you really are. Your emotions will be high and they will low- you just need to ride the wave. We all experience emotions, we all experience ups and downs. It is about going with the flow towards happiness that helps you stay centered instead of spiraling out of control.

Your motivation will also come and go at times. Don’t beat yourself up about it. Just take one step at time and one day at time when you need to. Strive to keep some momentum through these ups and downs.

So how can you create a better version of you?



“The secret to your future is hidden in your daily routine.” Mike Murdock

What habits are no longer serving you? Make a list of habits that are not improving your life and get rid of them. These habits served you for a period of time in your life. It is time to thank them and let them go with love.

What changes would you like to make in your life? Make a list of them. What daily habits would you need to implement to create positive change in your life?

Lets take a step further- how and when would you incorporate these new healthy habits into your day, week, month and year?


STOP PLAYING SMALL, QUIT DOUBTING YOURSELF & STOP PUTTING YOURSELF DOWN. You were perfectly created for a unique purpose in life, so start showing up! It is time for you to IGNITE YOUR DREAMS!

When you love, appreciate and accept yourself- your life will transform. The light from within will crack open the shell that you placed yourself in.

What do you want to start doing in your life?

What will bring you happiness and help you become your best self?

You need to define goals so you can gain clarity. Think of 8-10 goals to begin with and write them down.


Yup, I said it. Other people have an impact in the reality of your life. You need surround yourself with people that bring you up. People who are mentors, supportive and authentic.

Make an inventory of the people in your life that are negative and bring you down.

This may be hard to do, I get it. But this is an important step. Sometimes there are people in our lives that are at different stages in their journey. You may begin to feel resistance and conflicting energy frequencies as you progress along your own path.

Some of these people you easily cut ties with. Others, such as friends, family and coworkers may require a different approach. You can make the choice to shift your perspective to understand where they are at on their path and to interact with love, compassion and respect. You can also still love them from a distance.

You will not progress in life if others pull back. You have to make yourself a priority. If you improve yourself, you will improve the lives around you.


Look within, what brings you joy?

What is the personality that comes out when you are carefree?

What do you love to do?

What would your best self act like, look like and do in life?

What would be fun and rejuvenating for you?

Write your answers down. This takes courage to do, so don’t limit yourself.

What habits can you start, what limiting beliefs can you let go of, and who can help lift you up? Step out with courage and begin a new chapter. Write your story with joy and love.

When you transform from within, you transform the world around you too.

Embrace your journey 💚

🌻 Tes

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