Our current circumstances have brought life as we know it to a halt. Our world as a whole has been forced to slow down and become mindful of our everyday life. We have learned to become open to new ways of connection, collaboration and care.
From this point forward, our lives as we know it will be changed. It’s what we do with this present time that will impact the transformation of our lives going forward.

As I write this, I am learning to embrace the changes ahead of me with an open mind and heart. We all deal with change, it’s a part of life. It’s an ever changing road if you think about it. Even through the ups, downs and turns that life can bring us- change brings opportunities to grow from.

For me at this point in my life, I have learned a lot about myself. As I have reflected on the changes that I have experienced in life, I look back with gratitude. And honestly, even through some of the hardest losses I’ve had to endure- I grew stronger, more resilant and more grateful for the blessings along the way.

During our current circumstances, I have been going within. I have allowed my anxieties and fears to come up to the surface so I could identify them and let them go. This has really helped me be able to slow down and look at what have I been holding onto that is no longer serving me. When I feel the tightness in my chest and a heavy feeling emotion come to the surface- I pause to reflect on what’s triggering this for me? What is the root? I acknowledge the thought, the emotion and the memory that comes and I look at how I can instead look at it from a place of love- so it can move through me and I can let go. This process allows space for more personal growth and enables you to feel freedom from within.

This year brings bittersweet change for me as a parent. My husband and I have been blessed with the most amazing son. He’s truly is a gift and will do amazing things on this Earth in his lifetime. This year our son graduates from high school and will begin his journey of adulthood. His last year of school has gone differently than we expected, traditions and customs changed. As life has slowed down for us- we have cherished the present even more and are enjoying our time with our family.

My son has proved his resilance through this. He has taught me how to move through experiences with more ease, to make the best of them and to allow myself to be more fluid with the changes that come our way.

If you working through adapting to changes yourself- below are some ways that can help you positively embrace change.


  1. FIND OR CREATE CLOSURE THAT YOU NEED- Sometimes it’s hard to close a chapter in your life and move on, but it’s an important step to embracing change and feeling better in the long run. As some change may take time to move on from, think of how you can implement small steps to help you move forward.
  2. EMRACE THE PRESENT MOMENT- Are you living in the moment? This is a part of living mindfully, it’s a practice you develop over time. Your awareness of the present is profound. It gives you space to enjoy the moment.
  3. GIVE YOURSELF THE CARE THAT YOU NEED- Sometimes our lives move so quickly that we don’t take care of ourselves. You need time to regenrate, relax and rebuild.
  4. ALLOW YOURSELF TO ADDRESS YOUR EMOTIONS- It’s not healthy to bottle your emotions up. Allow them to surface so you can move through them. By ignoring them or finding ways that only numb the feeling- it can compound the pain, frustration, fear, anxiety, etc. that you’re experiencing. After you have reflected on your emotion, find ways to move through and express it. For example: Incorprate self-care, movement, create something or my favorite- journal your feelings to get them down on paper and out of your head.
  5. ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR OWN STRENGTH- No matter what circumstance has been presented to us, we have the strength within to get through it. Sometimes we don’t acknowledge our own strength to overcome challenge. Our life experiences are what have molded us into the person that we are today. We all have the internal strength to use our experiences to help others around us.
  6. SHIFT YOUR PERSPECTIVE- Are you only looking at a negative perspective about something? Yes, there are some things in life that are hard to move through- but there are things to be grateful for in every experience we encounter. Make a list of what you are grateful for and keep this in your present thoughts. I have found that daily gratitude reflection has helped me shift my focus to a perspective of joy and appreciation.
  7. LEARN- Take a step back and look from a higher perspective. How can you grow from this experience? We each have lessons to learn on our journey. If we allow change to teach us, we expand our perspectives and evolve. With becoming more mindful of the circumstances and how we react to them, we can take away what we are supposed to learn from the experience. This allows for us to not play some lessons on repeat until we finally learn the lesson it brings.
  8. FIND SUPPORT- Finding support that will inspire you to take forward movement in creating happiness, hope and wellbeing. Talk to someone, read or listen to something that builds you up and uplifts you. This investment into yourself will help you move forward in creating more joy in your life.

Life is full of movement. It is how we choose to travel the road of change that creates the person we are today. Look for the blessings and opportunites for growth that our journey presents along the way with an open heart.

Embrace your journey. 💚


Tes 🌻

Subsribe for good vibes! 😎




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