Did you grow up being told that you were too sensitive, or become easily affected by the people and the environments around you? If so, you may be an empath or a highly sensitive person (HSP).

Being sensitive may sometimes feel like it’s a burden or that it’s a personality flaw that needs to be changed. This could actually be farther from the truth. This gift has a very important purpose.

I grew up believing that my sensitivity was actually a burden in many ways. This was because I didn’t understand that I was an empath, and I certainly didn’t know how to establish healthy boundaries to protect my energy.

It wasn’t until I grew older that I realized that my sensitivity was my biggest strength. With this, I learned that I had access to wisdom at a deeper level by tuning into my intuition, the people and environments around me. This has helped me become a warrior and most importantly…it has allowed me to help others heal.

Many of the mindful living practices that I have put into place came from me having a better understanding of how I could embrace my gifts and thrive as an empath.

Many people do not posses the powerful skills that come with being an empath or highly sensitive person (HSP). So it’s time to embrace your super powers and learn to use them!


Below are some examples of empath traits:

  1. An empath is a highly sensitive person who is giving and has a huge heart. Empaths are nurtures and healers.
  2. You are constantly absorbing the emotions of those around you. You are highly attuned to emotional states and energy. This can leave you feeling mentally and energetically exhausted. This happens even when you don’t realize it’s occurring.
  3. You experience a wide variety of emotional states throughout the day. This can be good, bad and sometimes extreme. Empaths can take these emotions on in the form of anxiety or even anger. It’s important to find ways to bring joy and balance into your day.
  4. You are always tired. Being in large crowds or around people that require alot of your energy- can greatly impact and drain yours. Taking time to withdraw in solitude to recharge and placing healthy boundaries daily can help you restore and protect.
  5. You have an overactive sleep state. Stored energy not effectively released or grounded can result in restless sleep.
  6. Many empaths are introverted and become overwhelmed in crowds. They usually prefer small groups or one-on-one settings.
  7. If an empath is extroverted, they will usually prefer to limit the time they spend in a crowd or party.
  8. Empaths are highly intuitive. They experience life through their intuition. It is important for empaths to develop their intuition and listen to their gut feelings about their decisions and people. This will help them establish positive relationships and avoid energy vampires.
  9. Empaths need time alone. Being around other people can be very draining- so they need alone time to recharge periodically. Empaths become revitalized in nature. This helps them restore, ground and nourish their well-being.
  10. Empaths often struggle with anxiety. Meditation and using boundaries to ground yourself can help you manage this.
  11. You may also get strong intuitive hunches about people, situations and perspectives without having to speak to anyone.
  12. Loud sounds, bright lights and strong scents can agitate and overwhelm your senses.
  13. Empaths mostly prefer close relationships with a small number of friends over having a large group of friends.

If you can identify with these traits, you may be an empath. There are some differences between being an empath and being a highly sensitive person (HSP) though. So- let me dive into that to give you further clarity.

The primary difference between the two is that HSP’s don’t absorb the thoughts and emotions of others. They also may not receieve the same intuituve hunches that empaths do. Many empaths fall into the category of being a HSP- but not all HSP’s have empath characteristics.

The empathetic gifts of feeling others thoughts and emotions is such an AMAZING SUPER POWER when you learn how to use your gifts while being able to protect your own energy.


Learning to navigate as an empath can come with challenges and lessons to overcome.

  • You must learn to take care of yourself first.
  • You need to establish and maintain healthy boundaries and relationships.
  • It’s also important for you to get out of painful situations that are not for your highest good.
  • You also need to understand that you can’t save everyone.

Read more for help with setting boundaries and creating healthy habits.


Why should you embrace it? It is an AMAZING gift! Here’s a list why:

  • You are a healer. Empaths can sense why others are suffering. Tapping into and trusting your intuition can help you assist others in uncovering the root of their suffering.
  • Deep personal connections with others.
  • You can develop strong intuitive abilities to help you make mindful decisions that are for your highest good.
  • Ability to discern whether people are being genuine, honest, manipulative, deceptive or being fake. You have the ability to see the truth in people. This is because you don’t just hear people- you feel people.
  • Bountiful creativity and ability to create energy through expression.
  • You have the ability to notice the sudleties in people, places and things that others often miss.
  • Easily sense negative or toxic energy…to stay away from.
  • Empaths are great partners and parents. They love and feel truly connected to their partners and children in a profound way. As a partner, they can learn to communicate effectively based off the feelings that they pick up. As parents- as they can sense the changes that their children are going through. This helps them teach their kids in a very effective way.

If you are an empath, I hope that I brought some information to light for you. Embrace your gifts and enjoy your journey. Go inward and learn how to thrive!

If you know someone who you think could be an empath- please share. This could help them!

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Embrace your journey 💚

🌻 Tes


  1. Jess says:

    I am learning that I am an Empath!

    1. Tesia Hinken says:

      That is amazing to hear! When I first learned about it myself, it was like a lightbulb went off and my inner world started to make sense. Keep going inward and learn more on this subject to help you learn what thoughts and feelings belong to you… and what belongs to others. A big thing that helped me was using tools to protect my own energy so I didn’t get so overwhelmed with other people’s “junk”. Love, Tes 🌻

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