Becoming your true self is all about embracing the journey of self-discovery.   

12 Ways to Live Happier Now Personal transformation is a process of bringing your limiting beliefs, fears and judgments into the light for healing and stepping into your authentic truth. I am going to share with you what has helped me embrace my journey and live a happier life.

By bringing your conscious and subconscious emotions and patterns to the surface- you have the opportunity to let them come up, move through you and let them go.  

Sometimes we have resistance stored within us subconsciously…yup, that’s right…its rooted resistance unknowingly held within and it’s holding you back you back from the joy, healing, growth, and abundance that you are meant to experience in your lifetime.  Frustrating to say the least, but it doesn’t have to be this way.   

My dear friend, are you feeling stuck? If so, keep reading for my 12 ways to live happier now! You just have certain habits and patterns that are no longer serving you.  These patterns may be from the programming your received while growing up, as well as behaviors that you put in place to protect yourself over the years.   The reason you may be feeling this sense of being “stuck” is that you are now recognizing that these habits and patterns are no longer serving you. 

Now the time has come to dive inward to discover your truth and walk in your authenticity.  Your truth is love, it is joy, it is finding and living out your life purpose.   

Find the light within you and let it shine. Have fun embracing your journey!  You are here to experience a beautiful life, and you are so worthy of this happiness. Below I am sharing 12 ways that has helped me a live happier life: 


  1. Stop doing things you don’t want to do.
  2. Communicate openly and say what you mean. 
  3. Stop people pleasing by trying to make everyone else happy around you. 
  4. Follow what inspires you. 
  5. Trust your intuition.  This is your inner guidance system and it will become stronger when you learn to trust it.   Your intuition is your super power and your key to living in alignment. 
  6. Get out of your comfort zone- don’t be afraid to say yes! 
  7. Don’t be afraid to say no!  You can’t do all things- use discernment to determine what’s best for you. 
  8. Love and be kind to yourself.  Practice self-care. Our external world reflects the amount of love we give ourselves. Filling our cup up helps us maintain a healthier mind, body and spirit.
  9. Say positive affirmations over your life.  What you speak about you bring about…so bring in the good stuff. 
  10. Exercise regularly.  Your mind, body and spirit needs this!  It will boost and cleanse your energy. 
  11. Do yoga Yoga grounds and helps you transform your life from the inside out.  
  12. Meditate.  Wow- game changer.  When you slow down the tornado of thoughts, you will learn the bliss of being present in each moment.  

It is time to move forward and let go of what is no longer serving you. 

Begin using these 12 WAYS TO LIVE HAPPIER NOW in your life.  These steps will help you let go of the habits and patterns that are no longer serving you. 


You’ve got this!  I believe in you with all my  💚


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