Gaining clarity for your dreams is key for creating change in your life. Writing out your goals will help you realize what you want to change, accomplish and become.

Maybe you are feeling stuck, depressed, lost, stressed, or out of shape. Yup, I was there too. It sucks to feel like you are just letting time pass you buy with no progress for days, months, or even years. 

I had to ask myself, do I want the next 5 years of my life to look like the last 5 years? Then it finally hit me….awe…HECK NO!  It’s time for change, its time for action. I will no longer waste away my precious life, I am going to make a plan for change. It’s time to become a better me!

Below I am sharing steps to help you dream up some goals so you can make positive change in your life too!


Write down 10 goals that you would like to accomplish.

These can be short term, long term, big and small. Use your imagination and put some thought into this.

STEP 2: 
Write down how you would accomplish each of them. 
• What steps you would need to take to achieve them?
• What obstacles do you foresee that could hold you back? 
• What steps could you take to overcome these obstacles?

Make your goals SMART
• Specific
• Measurable 
• Achievable 
• Realistic (Don’t play too small. Stretch yourself…think of some big goals too!)
• Timebound

STEP 4: 
Let’s get some vision!

Using the power of visualization with your goals creates momentum in making your dreams come to life.

Have fun finding pictures that represent you accomplishing each of your goals.

Now it is time to combine your goals with your vision!

Use your creativity and have fun with this!

I personally love to create vision books, so I can carry it with me to review daily.

I have a section that lists the goals that I have set for myself, written in the SMART format.

I have another section just for my goal vision. My pages are made with beautiful background paper and pictures, words, affirmations and quotes that light my heart up each time I look at them!

Not only does this help me envision my future self, it helps me feel how amazing it would be to accomplish my goals.

You could also create a vision board to showcase your dreams. This should be somewhere you will see it daily. I have both. I put my board where I can easily review it daily. 

If you want to do one or both, GO FOR IT GIRL! Use whatever works best for you. 

Just have fun with it and ignite your IMAGINATION! 

Commit to creating a routine.

Routine takes discipline and a commitment to yourself- you deserve this! You are so worth the dreams that you have set for yourself. 

The secret to your future is driven by your daily routine. 

Plan how and when you will review your goals, and how you will work to accomplish them. 

You’ve got this!!!! I believe in you with all my heart. 💚

🌻 Tes

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