I’m sharing the morning meditation routine that has helped me heal from the inside out.

My morning makeover began with incorporating a mindful meditation practice.


Meditation gives us space to breathe. It helps you find stillness and reconnect with the present moment.

Using your breath, you can slow down your thoughts and breathe into your body. This allows for healing and renewal to take place. This is so powerful and has a cumulative effect.

Meditation is a healthy habit and a practice. It takes time, patience and routine to cultivate. As you continue your practice on a consistent basis, you will begin to feel a cumulative healing effect that will help you transform your life.

You may feel some resistance to this practice in the beginning. You may also have excuses that you don’t have the time, you can’t sit still or that you can’t slow down your thoughts. These are all normal feelings while you learn and find the practice that works best for you. The key is to keep going.

When I began my practice, I loved it from the start! However, I felt frustrated at times when I couldn’t slow down my thoughts and I also struggled with focusing my attention on my breath.

I kept going though. I learned that it’s about not letting your thoughts control you…it’s about witnessing the thought and letting it go while using your breath as an anchor for you to come back to.

Here’s my daily mindful morning practice:

Before I get out of bed, I set an intention for my day. This brings me gratitude and purpose for my day.

Next, before I drink my coffee- I take a minute to be still and breathe into my heart center to help me ground and center myself. Then…coffee….mmm 🙂

I follow this with yoga. I use a mantra to help me feel present while I move. Yoga has really helped me feel relaxed and work out the tension and discomfort that I store in my body.

From there, I find a cozy and calm space to meditate. For me, this varies from my porch, couch or bedroom.

I either sit cross-legged, sit with my feet on the floor or lay down depending on what feels comfortable that day. I use my favorite meditation app Calm. I put on my headphones and set a timer or I will just freestyle it in silence and stop when I feel it’s time.

Before I go further…let me share this with you- so you understand this way faster than I did…You will have thoughts, feelings and emotions that come up. This does not go away. Things may come up so they can be brought to the surface for healing. This practice will help you learn to be present in the moment. It will help you slow down your thoughts so you can witness them and let them go, in that lies your healing.


  1. I close my eyes and focus on my heart center and set an intention. Next, I focus on my breath moving in and out of my lungs. This will help you learn to comeback to your breath when your thoughts start to come in.
  2. I bring awareness to by body. Beginning with my feet until I reach the top of my head. I envision golden light moving through me and healing me as I go.
  3. I focus on my feet to begin, envisioning golden healing light around them. I work my way up my lower legs, knees, thighs, tailbone, hips, lower torso, shoulders and neck, arms and hands, then to my head.
  4. I finish by returning to my heart center taking 3 breaths into and out of my lungs. Then, I open my eyes feeling renewed for the day ahead.

I follow this up by writing in my journal and reading my self-love affirmations out loud.

While I get ready in the morning, I listen to a You-Tube video (stay tuned in the future for Tesia TV 😀) or audio book that inspires or challenges me to learn something new.

I love the good vibes that I receive from my practice. It empowers me and helps me shake off things that try to throw me off during the day.

I hope this inspires you to give meditation a try for yourself. This practice has absolutely changed my life. The routine of doing this practice has a cumulative effect, so keep going! 🙂

Embrace your journey 💚

🌻 Tes

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  1. kay cole says:

    Great tips and advice, Tesia! I hope others will realize how helpful meditation is in maintaining good health (helpful with everything from anxiety to insomnia). I think many are intimidated by meditation, but you’ve presented a practical and clear guide. Peace!

    1. Tesia Hinken says:

      Thank you so much! Meditation is so healing and liberating. 💚

      1. Liz Hannold says:

        Thanks Tesia…I need to always read your blog. Whenever I do it makes me a little more aware. My Mom passed away a week ago and I can’t get back to work. This could help me.

        1. Tesia Hinken says:

          Thank you for the kind words Liz. My heart goes out to you. When I lost my mom and sister I seemed to lose myself. I didn’t know how to handle the grief, so I buried it down. I got to a point where I could no longer be this version of myself for my own good, as well for my family.

          So I surrendered my pain to God to show me how to heal. Doing this opened my eyes and allowed me to let the emotions come up and let them go with love.

          My hope in writing my journey of transformation, I can help be a light for others heal. Your loved are with you in spirit and supporting you from Heaven.

          Love, Tes 💚

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