Have you ever embraced a challenge as an opportunity for growth? As we face challenges, it’s easy to fall into the repeating patterns of talking about our circumstances….A LOT. In fact, many times- we obsess like crazy over it! We can easily become overwhelmed by the vicious cycle that each day can play on repeat in our mind.

What we don’t sometimes realize is what can happen when we focus so much of our attention on talking about our problems. When we do this, it gives your problem more momentum with the energy that you are feeding into it. You may have heard me mention this statement before “what you talk about- you bring about”. The Universe sends back to you what you put your attention to. This means you become an energetic match for what you choose to draw to you. Notice here that I used the word “choose”.

For myself, I’ve been really trying to work on consciously becoming aware of what I am focusing on and how my thoughts and energy are alinging to it. By shifting my thought patterns and habits, I can choose to flow through my challenges with more ease and grace. Which can be a lot harder than it sounds sometimes…believe me…I know. But…it’s sooo amazing when you can be more in flow and ride the wave of challenge and change that life can bring.


By working on becoming more self-aware, I am learning how to make change and challenge a lot easier to manuever through with way less anxiety. I had clung to alot of circumstances, changes and challenges with the mindset of control and fear for many years of my life. It wasn’t until I realized that it wasn’t the truth and I had the choice to live my life differently that my life really transformed. I literally learned to slowly let go of my fears. It is my hope that my life lessons that I share can help bring you the peace of mind that it’s okay to let down the walls that you have built around your heart and learn to trust using your faith. I believe that this is a part of the lessons that we are here to learn in life.

Embracing challenges with an open heart- enables us to grow and progress, instead of holding ourselves stuck.

When you make the shift to focus on the solution, instead of the problem- it will help you hold an open mind to how the solution can come. You shift the momentum to allow the Universe to do its thing. This brings you more ease when you release your grip of control and allow a solution that’s for the highest good for all involved to appear. These solutions can come in various forms. With a solution focused perspective– you will be more able see the support that the universe is providing you.


Here are 4 ways that can help you move through challenge:

  1. FIND GRATITUDE Great change can happen when you practice daily gratitude. You could practice by using mental, verbal and/or journal reflection. Even with the hard experiences that you are going through- try to find gratitude in it.
  2. SELF-CARE By practicing daily self-care, you can keep your mind, body and spirit balanced. Take care of yourself so you can give more to the ones around you.
  3. MEDITATION Hands down- my own secret weapon for combating my stress and anxiety. Meditation can help you stay centered. Daily practice can help you reduce tendancies of future tripping or being stuck in the past. This practice can help you learn how to live in the present.
  4. POSITIVE OUTLOOK By holding a positive outlook, it allows the light to shine on the experiences in life that can seem dim and too difficult to overcome. By holding positivity, you can learn to allow your thoughts, experiences and parts of your personality to come to the surface for healing.


I get that sometimes we just need to get something out that’s been bothering us. If you need to- do it. I have to do the same from time to time. The message that I am trying to share is to not bring it up over and over again causing your energy it to keep attracting the same frustrating experience into your life.

What challenge can you embrace right now?

Let your challenges bring you the lessons of growth and allow yourself to ride the wave of change with more ease and grace. Line up your thoughts and habits to attract the support that you need.

Embrace your journey. 💚

With all my heart,

Tes 🌻

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