Do You Ever Feel Like You’re Pouring From an Empty Cup?

Check out my sweet little list of self-care habits that help me keep my rockin’ vibes.

Incorporating healthy self-care into part of your daily routine will help you restore and empower yourself to become the very best version of you!

It is easy to slip into the routine of taking care of everything and everyone else around you in your life. This can easily lead into burning yourself out and having nothing left over for yourself at the end of the day. I was there before- feeling so tired, overwhelmed and overworked…until I realized that I needed to create better balance in my life and fill my cup back up. After all, it’s hard to pour from an empty cup!


  • EXERCISE- Girl- you have got to take of your body! You need movement and strength in your life. I rotate between using dumbbell free-weights, PiYo and 21 Day Fix in the morning. I also do a series of 600+ squats that I breakup throughout each day to keep my energy up and metabolism kickin’.
  • YOGAYoga increases your flexibility, reduces stress and centers your mind, body & spirit.
  • MEDITATION– Relax into the present and become conscious of your breath. Here’s my favorite phone app that I love to use- Calm
  • JOURNAL– Write down your thoughts without judgement and let it just flow onto paper. You will uncover insights and gain clarity from your inner guidance system a.k.a. your intuition.
  • GRATITUDE– Make a written or mental list of what you are thankful for each morning and again when you go to sleep. When you practice gratitude, you will attract more things to be grateful for into your life.
  • GET INSPIRED– Listen to a You Tube video, or an audio book in the morning as you get ready or when you commute. Find something inspirational to light up your day.
  • AFFIRMATIONS- The universe brings you your most dominate thoughts, so speak highly over yourself and your life with loving and compassionate words.
  • SAY “NO”– For goodness sake, you just have to say “no” for your own good sometimes! You are going to wear yourself out by constantly being a people pleaser. Take it from me. Check in with your intuition and see if something feels either light or heavy. If it feels heavy and you just don’t want to do it….JUST DON’T DO IT.
  • ESSENTIAL OILS– Diffuse/use essential oils. I love to use Young Living oils. My daily go-to is lavender.
  • CHILL OUT IN NATURE– I love to go outside for walk around my yard and take in all the beauty. Nature is a great way to center and ground your energy- especially when you’ve been around people all day. 🙂
  • BASK IN THE SUNLIGHT- I feel like my soul smiles from within when I can simply feel the sunlight shine down upon me.
  • SHOWER YOURSELF WITH FLOWERS– Either plant, pick or buy yourself some flowers to light up your life with some color, aroma and beauty.
  • CRYSTALS– I am a total boho-vibin’ adorer of crystals. Not only are they gorgeous- they help heal, cleanse, protect and raise your vibration. Since I am super-sensitive to the energy around me- I love to wear either a crystal bracelet, necklace or I’ll even carry them on me to help protect me from taking on everyone else’s energy (junk) that I don’t want.
  • LIGHT SCENTED CANDLES– Fill your space with a nice scent and some tranquility.
  • NOURISH YOUR BODY– Hydrate with plenty of water and eat healthy foods. Fuel yourself up right.
  • COCONUT OIL– Lather coconut oil on your body after you shower. My skin absolutely loves this along with my lotion!
  • FACIAL SKIN CARE ROUTINE– Non-negotiable…take care of your skin. Cleanse and hydrate your skin with nourishing products that work best for your unique skin. Let your skin glow with health and vitality.
  • SALT BATH- An epsom salt and lavender essential oil bath is an awesome way to unwind after a long day.
  • MANI/PEDI- Pamper yourself by keeping your nails, feet and hands cared for. Not only do you feel feminine, you’re ready for those cute sandals.
  • BE CREATIVE– Just create something that brings you joy. Follow your joy- it is how you manifest miracles into your life.
  • DANCE, SING & BE SILLY-Dance while you cook, sing in the car, be goofy and be free.

Find ways to incorporate some YOU time into your daily routine- it’s time for YOU to start rockin’ out your sweet life!

With all my heart 💚

🌻 Tes

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