Keeping Balance, Motivation & Momentum

Your daily habits have a continuous impact in the momentum of your life

Making small mindful changes in your daily habits can lead you to positive changes both personally and professionally.  Have you ever considered the impact that your daily habits have on yourself and the people around you? 


  • Begin your day & make time for you 
    • Take some time for yourself before you begin to focus your time and energies on others 
    • Wake up earlier
    • Exercise, walk, or yoga 
      • This increases your energy, elevates your mood & reduces Momentum P.S.  Nobody likes it when you’re ornery 
    • Nourish your mind: 
      • Meditation, gratitude stress, read, or listen to something that inspires you while you get ready 
    • Eat well/stay hydrated: 
      • Fuel your body with good foods throughout the day, drink & keep water with you…think of how much clarity you could have it you have the right fuel!!!! 
  • End your day right & plan ahead
    • Create your agenda/daily goals
      • Since you’ve preplanned, you won’t keep yourself up all night freaking out about remembering the mental to-do list in your head! 
    • Prep for the next day:  
      • Briefcase, clothes, lunches, etc. = Not running around all crazy in the morning!   
    • Give yourself time to wind down & unplug 
    • Take time to reflect on things that you are grateful for!  


  • Create a space that inspires
    • Make yourself an inspired work zone & a chill out zone at home 
    • De-cluttering your space will reduce the clutter in your mind  ….woah… yeah…sign me up! 
  • Utilize your commute times 
    • Listen to a podcast, or an audio book for your own personal development
    • If you did at least 10 min M-F… 
      • 10/day = 50 min 
      • 1 MO = 3 hours 
      • 1 YR = 36 hours  WOW look at those numbers! Rock on with your smart self! 
  • Read books and articles that keep you motivated/learn new things 
    • You will find that this can make a huge shift in your life- knowledge is power! 


  • Plan out your day 
    • Prioritize 
    • Set daily goals & be realistic 
    • Utilize your calendar and time block your appointments & to-do’s 
    • Schedule and complete your difficult tasks first 
    • You have more cognitive ability in the a.m….so use it wisely!  
    • Clean up, categorize your email & use reminders to help you stay on task 
    • Use to-do lists
    • Minimize your distractions, focus on the task at hand 
    • Avoid multitasking, this reduces your efficiency….yup, that’s a fact jack! 
    • Incorporate mental breaks from the grind throughout the day 
    • Understand that things don’t always go as planned & flex with it 
    • Plan for the next day- at least your top 3 
  • Keep your vision 
    • Review your personal and professional goals daily 
    • How can you progress towards something that is vague in your memory??? 
    • Create routine and practice discipline to keep your momentum- consistency is key! 

Find and maintain your balance, get inspired daily & create momentum for forward progress in your file.   

Be someone who lives a life that is committed to becoming a better person, a mentor for others and inspire greatness in the world around you. 

Now rock on with your awesome self!

I believe in you with all my 💚

🌻 Tes

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