What happens when you shift your perspective from fear to love?

Miracles happen. Energy, abundance, love, peace and joy naturally come to you with more ease. You become aligned with the universal ALL THAT IS.

Life becomes more beautiful simply put.

I realized that to be more alive, I had to be less afraid. So I did it. I lost my fear and gained my whole life.

Want a happier life? Take a look at your perspective. What is YOUR dominant frequency?

Below I am sharing the mindset shifts that you will experience when you awaken to a new way of thinking.


Stronger sense of compassion. You understand that we are all on different paths and stages in our soul’s progression. You choose to interact with love, compassion and respect for others.

Loss of fear. Fear is the lowest energy vibration besides death. When you choose to face to your F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real) you shine light on what is not real and what is holding you back from joy. Stepping into your truth will help you conquer your fears and shift your vibration to love.

Loss of reaction to judgement. Others may not understand your journey. That is okay, it is not meant for them to understand. Your purpose is uniquely designed for you and only you can contribute your purpose to the world. Lose the critical self-judgement and fear of not being good enough. You are enough. The loss of reaction to judgement will empower you to live with freedom.

Increased adaptability. You learn to go with the flow. You follow your joy. You have faith and trust that all things are working together for your greater good. Ride the wave of change so you can be divinely guided.

Acceptance of dark and light. When you accept that we all have shadowy aspects of ourselves, you understand the emotions, perspectives and reactions that been consciously and subconsciously stored within. You can identify these easier when they come to the surface when triggered. When you have a perspective of love, you shine light on what needs to come up for healing. Let it come to the surface and let it go with love.

Learning to listen and trust your intuition. Your intuition is your greatest tool. It is the connection to the higher consciousness. The more you listen and follow your intuition, the stronger it becomes.

Manifestation- intentionally creating your reality rapidly. Your reality is determined by your most dominate thoughts and actions. The higher vibration you become, the more rapidly your dreams, abundance and support is drawn into your reality.

Mission to be of service to others. We all have a purpose in life. Understanding and living out your purpose is what the world needs from you. To be of service is why we are here. This starts with loving yourself. Become a better version of you- so that you can transform the world around you.

Choose to look at life through the lens of love. When you do, miracles will occur naturally.

Shift your perspective by looking within to lose your fear and you can change your life too!

Embrace Your Journey 💚

🌻 Tes

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