You may have seen by now that I have posted a few of my blog articles from my website Tesia Hinken 

I created this website as a creative outlet for me to help bring inspiration to the world.   

Let me tell you- this took some MAJOR introspection and courage to realize and accomplish this.  And this step is only the beginning of what is to come. 

Through my work I’m sharing my story of transformation with the hope that I may help offer support for others trying to find themselves, discover their purpose and to bring positive change into their life. 

My story… 

Sometimes your BIGGEST breakdowns are your BIGGEST breakthroughs

I had a breaking point when I found myself feeling so depressed and scrambling to manage the anxiety that had its grip on me- so much so that I felt lost and alone…This wasn’t my truth, it was only my perspective… 

I knew that I needed change in my life and that I needed to be open to learning how to heal. 

I learned that I never really coped with my inner emotions when living through my hardships...I had just had buried them down leaving them to linger.   

I had to suck it up for everyone else in my life…at least that was my excuse.  The truth is, I didn’t know how to let the big hurts come up and allow them to pass through- so they could be healed and brought into the light. 

I either put on “band aids” or tried to armour myself from anyone touching my “thorns”. That only works for so long before you have to either deal with it and learn from it or receive the same lessons over and over from the universe until you finally break down. 

My lesson learned was to surrender my control (still learning how to do this) and allow for my life to awaken, heal and transform in the way that is for my highest good. 

Letting go of control and finding my faith unfolded major shifts in my life.   

Through this process of self-discovery and healing- I realized that I had this heavy feeling that I was not fully living out my purpose in life.  I had this recurring feeling that I’m supposed to do more.   I was supposed to find my voice, share my story and help bring light to those around me.   

The more I went inward, the more I uncovered my purpose.  WOW- I found out who I really was and why I am here. I finally woke up. 

I knew I needed to step more into my authenticity and power to live out my purpose. I had to learn to overcome my fear of not being worthy or good enough and allow myself to be vulnerable. 

So here I am sharing my story of transformation, one post at a time… 

Thanks for being part of my journey.  I hope that maybe I can bring you light, hope and encouragement to make positive changes in your life too. 

With so much love 💚 

 🌻 Tes 

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